Eadie's Story | Freya
Eadie flew into Kastrup International Airport on a chilly morning. The sun was peeking through the low lying cloud and whilst still onboard the aircraft, Eadie could sense the haze outside equated to the type of cold that chills the bones. The bare silver birch trees were attempting to stand to attention but were being swayed by the strong gusty winds. She anticipated the freezing temperatures she was about to encounter, and they made her shudder.
Eadie hadn’t been in Denmark for over 15 years. She preferred a warmer climate, and, had allowed the busyness of life to get in the way.
David was much older than Eadie, almost 3 decades, but the age difference was irrelevant, and their friendship had endured many incarnations. They had been best friends when they were both single and intrepid travellers, meeting up often in incredible locations spanning the globe.
Despite David taking the plunge into married life over 10 years ago, their friendship remained strong. David’s new life with his partner meant they hadn’t seen each other as often as they used to, but there was always a weekly phone call on a Sunday afternoon to touch base and update each other on their latest news and adventures.
David’s life had changed more than Eadie’s in the last 10 years. Always a global citizen, staying in one place for less time than most people vacation, David had found a contentment in this chapter of his life that gave Eadie a sense of comfort for her dear friend. His nomadic lifestyle was replaced with a type of assuredness and sense of “home”, when David and his partner decided to make Copenhagen home and settled here 10 years ago.
David’s partner had recently passed away, and Eadie had arrived in Copenhagen to support her best friend.
Eadie caught a taxi to Vesterbro, the vibrant meat packing district of Copenhagen, which had undergone a revitalisation and was now brimming with cool cafes and bars, interesting shops and ultra hip galleries.
David was expecting her. He insisted he collect her from the Airport, but she was deliberately vague about her arrival time. She was there to support her best friend and would find her own way to his house.
She reached David’s home, just near Enghave Plads a large public square that faces onto the magnificent Enghave Park. It really was a fairytale hidden oasis on the doorstep of the neighbouring hustle and bustle. She noted the quaint double story late 17th century home surrounded with lush grass and bordered with festive spruce trees, providing privacy and symmetry. Eadie made her way to the large black front door. It had adjoining steel frame windows that allowed the daylight to stream into the vast entry foyer, with pale blonde parquetry flooring and white washed walls. The striking oversized artwork in the foyer warmed the otherwise bare room with hues of chocolate, blue and clay.
To Eadie’s surprise, her beautiful best friend was standing there waiting for her, his face jammed up against the inside window in his doorway, with the most silly but welcoming scrunched up smile.
She immediately laughed, relieved that her friend was still able to make her do so, despite his grief.
He raced to open the door and embraced her in with the warmest hug she had ever experienced.
He was truly a beautiful man, both inside and out. He always had been. David had a charisma and charm that was genuine and sincere. Always immaculately groomed, and effortlessly stylish, he was genuinely curious about people, their well being, their lives. When David was in conversation with you, he was completely present. His eyes would dance and smile as he listened attentively to what you were saying. Many people often called David an enigma. He had that affect. David ushered Eadie inside, put her bags in her room on the ground floor and offered her a warm shower to refresh after the long haul flight.
“I thought we could just stay in today if that’s ok with you? I want my dear friend all to myself today. I don’t want to share you with anyone or anything for a while!” he laughed, hoping she would be in agreement.
Eadie emerged from her room, feeling calm and immediately at home. The home was warm inside thanks to the central heating. Eadie put on her linen slip and with damp hair, no make up and with now clean bare feet, made her way in David’s inviting open plan kitchen and living room. The room was large and roomy with floor to ceiling fixed window panels allowing nature to pour itself inside. A huge expansive bookshelf was the next main feature of the room and brimming with beautiful art, sculptures and books.
David was behind his beloved espresso machine and handed Eadie a cup of coffee, made just the way she likes it; 2 shots and cold pouring cream on the side. The kitchen had the inviting aroma of freshly baked gingerbread. She felt an instant soothing.
She tucked her legs up onto the oversized vintage leather sofa, watching David prepare a plate of fresh gingerbread and for her and him to enjoy. He joined her on the sofa, and she rested her left leg over his right, as only old friends can do.
“How are you my friend, really? I want nothing but the truth” Eadie inquired.
David considered his answer, staring down at the richly textured thick woollen blue rug beneath them. It was the same blue as the now cloudless sky outside.
He took a sip of coffee, the steam from which, fogging his glasses, and looked intensely at Eadie with a crooked half smile.
“Eadie, I am good. I really am. I thought for a couple of weeks just past the grief would get the better of me and I couldn’t imagine how I would get through the hour. But slowly, very, very slowly, I have taken the time to sit in that space and really feel what has happened, and what I have lost. It was cathartic for me, and only in the last 4 days, I have turned that corner and I am once again seeing light. The 10 years we had together were precious and I consider myself lucky to have experienced love that most people only dream about. We LIVED it. Every day we learnt something new about one another. Every day, we made each other laugh.
Eadie took her best friend’s hand and held it tightly. She didn’t feel the need to talk or verbally reassure David. Being in the same room together, drinking coffee, enjoying the memories and the present was all the reassurance either of them needed.
“Darling, I know you must be exhausted after the long flight, and please tell me if you’re not up to it, but I have asked a few of my favourite people to join us this evening for middag.”
“Middag?” Eadie questioned. Her head tilting as she smiled at him, unsure what he was asking of her.
“Oh, sorry darling one, I mean dinner. I thought it would be lovely to gather my nearest and dearest and sit by the fire outside this evening under the stars and soak up wonderful company. I have learned recently that life isn’t just about remembering wonderful memories, but more importantly, to actively create wonderful memories to take you to the next day, year…phase.”
“That sounds perfect David. I would love to meet your friends here. What should we prepare?”
David released what sounded like a simultaneous giggle and sigh “Well darling one, I have done my calculations, and for every year we have to catch up on, I think if we carefully prioritise and filter, we should need about 45 minutes per year. According to my terrible maths, that equates to 450 minutes, or about 7.5 hours.”
“How many people are coming? I thought it was only a small gathering” Eadie questioned
“Oh it is darling one. Just 2 others. But quantity should never dictate quality. We have a feast to prepare! I have wine, I have the most delectable produce hand picked by moi from my garden, and I have you…all to myself for the next 7.5 hours. We will create a feast for four!”
Eadie smiled, cherishing this time with David, and so happy to see him smiling.
“David, what more does one need than wine, fabulous food, friendship and a feast for four?”