Rachael Seymour

Tell us a little about your story and your purpose.
I am a researcher, truth-seeker, and educator who has a relentless curiosity to uncover what is next for humanity. To share wisdom about how to show up in this world better. To reveal patterns and behaviours that hold us back and be a lighthouse of education and inspiration to others.
In this time of uncertainty my purpose is simple; to increase the awareness of individuals so that as a collective we can rise. To help people experience this life with fresh eyes, a balanced perspective and a higher energy vibration. For people to feel like they have enough and are enough and to reduce the relentless desire to want and search for more. To teach people how to uncover everything that is already within them.
With three businesses of different ages, together with my business partner we aim to bring this vision to life. We have a business delivering a program called “The Conscious Leader”, a second specialising in travel and tourism training and our newest “The Energy Studio” helps encourage people in their own self enquiry to unveil their own truth and further evolve. Each company is the same but different. There are different focuses but a common theme of teaching how to come home to the unique experience of being ourselves regardless of vocation or discipline.
I share my life experiences with my husband Andy and our four children aged 10 to 17. What a gift.
Who are the women that have made the biggest impact on you and your journey so far? And what have you learned from them?
Every single woman in my life continues to teach me every day. Too many to mention.
My three beautiful girls (and little boy) help me live in the present and not in my to do list.
My business partner Cassi teaches me that when you choose to live your best life, a better life is not far behind.
My mother is a beacon of light who teaches me that kindness is a doorway to most things.
My sister has always led by example that when you show up with consistency things happen.
My kundalini yoga sisters teach me to ground myself in reality whilst planning for a miracle.
My network of beautiful friends are spread across the state and the globe. They teach me that relationships are built on quality not quantity.
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
A symbol of unity, a celebration of how far we have come and a reminder of the progress yet to be made. It aids in the slow dismantling of long held beliefs which promote exclusion rather than inclusion.
What is your hope for women and girls in the future?
For each woman and girl to:
- Nurture their inner landscape. This will allow wisdom, clarity, and grace to guide them forward.
- Place equal emphasis on giving and receiving. When we give or take too much we are out of balance and operate using old, outdated habits.
- For every morning to capture their purpose, intention and motivation through their breath.
- Be okay with their mistakes. Strengthen their ability to forgive themselves and others.
If you could have told your younger self anything, what would it have been?
At this point, at any time, you are where you are supposed to be.
Prioritise nurturing the emotional, physical and mental body to find equilibrium and flow. It is only in an unbalanced state that there is confusion and worry. Be reminded that you have all the answers. Just ask yourself. The answer will come. When the answer arrives, through your head, heart and gut brains, listen carefully and move forward. When they are out of balance take steps to recalibrate.